Skunk Removal and Control Services

Skunks are one of the most recognizable species of nuisance wildlife due to their foul-smelling spray. Unfortunately, they are also notorious for damaging homes and property. Skunks can ruin landscapes, raid gardens and dig holes under structures causing foundation damage. The animals can carry numerous diseases and pose a threat to people, pets, livestock, and their young. For this reason, skunk removal and control services are a necessity for property owners.

Skunks are often attracted to residential properties for their food sources and shelter. The nocturnal mammals will seek out trash cans with loose lids, pet food left outside or in unsecured containers and compost piles. They are natural diggers and can easily dig under porches, stoops, decks, sheds, and bay windows. They can also dig into the concrete slab your air conditioner sits on and set up dens in these secluded areas.

Aside from the odor and damage that skunks can cause, their spray is dangerous to people and pets. When threatened, skunks will spray to defend themselves or their young. Their spray contains a powerful combination of chemicals that can be harmful to those who come into contact with it. It can even be fatal for humans who inhale the fumes. The strong odor will also remain in the area for a long period of time.

Those who encounter a skunk may also be bitten by the animal. Although skunks rarely bite, they are known to carry and transmit diseases such as rabies. For this reason, it is important to call a professional wildlife trapper and not a pest control company. A wildlife specialist can trap the skunk safely and humanely without risking the health and safety of humans and pets.

Homeowners can reduce the chances of skunk problems by keeping trash cans tightly closed, covering or bringing in all pet food and storing it indoors, cleaning up garden debris after harvesting, and cutting down tall grass around homes and business. A three-foot fence can keep skunks from burrowing under a house and digging into the foundation. It is also a good idea to place a shallow pan under the foundation vents to prevent skunks from setting up their den in the crawl space.

If you are dealing with a skunk problem, call your local wildlife control specialists at Ehrlich for a solution that will remove the skunk and deodorize the area. Our professionals are licensed to perform skunk removal and follow state and municipality regulations. We will trap the skunk, perform an exclusion to prevent the animal from returning, and then clean, sanitize, and deodorize your property. Contact us today to schedule an estimate for skunk removal and control.